Quinn Opportunity Partners

An opportunistic approach to traditional event-driven and intrinsic value U.S. equity investing

We are a value-oriented investment fund focused on fundamentals, and we apply our approach across intrinsic value and event-driven investment strategies.

Our mission is simple – we look for attractive risk/reward opportunities in the U.S. equity markets.

We believe we can maximize gains and minimize risk of permanent loss by embracing volatility.

  • The value of a security is far more stable than its price. We look for opportunities in price fluctuations that differ from our opinion of estimated fair value.
  • Volatility is not the same as risk. Our risk management is focused on minimizing permanent loss of capital, not on short-term volatility.
  • Risk can only be understood through investment analysis. In-depth analysis allows us to assess risk/reward to determine appropriate entry prices and position sizes.

Over 11-year track record of outperforming the S&P 500 Index.

Our core event-driven strategy has been profitable in 10/11 years.

The portfolio manager is the largest investor.

We are generalists that focus on what we know, allocating more capital to high conviction ideas and continuously monitoring our risk assessments.